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Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Alessandro Scarlatti: La Santissima Annunziata (2010)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Alessandro Scarlatti: La Santissima Annunziata (2010)

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Alessandro Scarlatti: La Santissima Annunziata (2010)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 420 Mb | Total time: 79:52 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Misteria Paschalia Collection | MPC 002 | Recorded: 2007

La Santissima Annunziata est un oratorio d'Alessandro Scarlatti, écrit pour solistes (SSSAT) cordes et basse continue, créé à Rome au Palazzo della Cancelleria en 1700 ou 1703, sur un livret italien de Pietro Ottoboni.
Présenté pour la première fois le 3 avril 1700 au Palazzo della Cancelleria de Rome (résidence du cardinal) et repris postérieurement, au moins dans autres deux occasions : le 1er avril 1703 et le 25 mars 1708 (palazzo Ruspoli). Le fait qu'une annonce de la représentation de 1700 attribue la responsabilité de la musique à Giovanni Lorenzo Lulier, musicien attaché à Ottoboni, a fait douter sur le véritable auteur de celle-ci.

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Pietro Antonio Locatelli: Concerti Grossi (1995)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Pietro Antonio Locatelli: Concerti Grossi (1995)

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Pietro Antonio Locatelli: Concerti Grossi (1995)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 259 Mb | Total time: 53:50 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Opus 111 | OPS 30-104 | Recorded: 1994

Het ensemble Europe Galante, onder leiding van Fabio Biondi, is sinds zijn oprichting in 1989 uitgegroeid tot één van de belangrijkste muziekgroepen op het gebied van de zeventiende- en achttiende-eeuwse Italiaanse barokmuziek. Op het programma staan dan ook verschillende Italiaanse componisten uit die tijd. Francesco Geminiani (1687-1762) en Pietro Locatelli (1695-1764) waren in hun tijd beroemd om hun virtuoos vioolspel. Hun muziek is tegelijk vurig en virtuoos, maar blijft steeds elegant en hoogst melodieus.

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Improvisata: Sinfonie con titoli (2007)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Improvisata: Sinfonie con titoli (2007)

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Improvisata: Sinfonie con titoli (2007)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 286 Mb | Total time: 53:38 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Virgin Classics | # 09463634302| Recorded: 2004

Leave it to Fabio Biondi to take a relatively "new" work of Antonio Vivaldi never before recorded and build something exciting and thoroughly relevant around it. Virgin Classics' Improvisata: Sinfonie con titoli features Vivaldi's plucky Sinfonia Improvisata, RV 802, a fragmentary work that was discovered only in 1999; this appears to be its first recording. As it lasts only three-and-a-half minutes, one could fill it out with other Vivaldi sinfonias and therefore duplicate dozens of other recordings. Instead, Biondi has taken account of the turbulent and highly pictorial character of the short Vivaldi work and has located a selection of similar pieces that complement it well. Most extraordinary among them is the sinfonia La tempesta di mare by mega-obscure Italian Carlo Monza and a cheerful, vibrant symphony by Giuseppe Demachi, La campane di Roma – decorative, highly programmatic pieces from the eighteenth century that have never seen the light of day.

Fabio Biondi, Rinaldo Alessandrini - Alessandro Scarlatti: Cain overo Il Primo Omicidio (1992)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Fabio Biondi, Rinaldo Alessandrini - Alessandro Scarlatti: Cain overo Il Primo Omicidio (1992)

Fabio Biondi, Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano, Europa Galante - Alessandro Scarlatti: Cain overo Il Primo Omicidio (1992)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 747 Mb | Total time: 66:07+71:50 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Opus 111 | OPS 30-75/76 | Recorded: 1992

La célèbre épopée biblique relatant le meurtre d’Abel par Caïn est connue de tous, mais la mise en scène qu’Alessandro Scarlatti lui a dédiée l’est beaucoup moins. Thème récurant pour les oratorios italiens au XVIIe siècle, le sujet est traité ici à la manière d’une histoire policière. Avec un effectif musical réduit, il nous transporte dans un univers baroque étourdissant. Les accents lyriques sont d’une expressivité rare tandis que l’orchestre, faisant preuve de beaucoup de psychologie, exulte. Par bonheur, la prise de son est à l’avenant. Les divers plans sonores sont respectés avec une très belle transparence et une foule de détails sur les voix et sur les instruments.

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Giovanni Battista Pergolesi: Stabat Mater, Salve Regina (2006)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Giovanni Battista Pergolesi: Stabat Mater, Salve Regina (2006)

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante, Dorothea Röschmann, David Daniels - Giovanni Battista Pergolesi: Stabat Mater, Salve Regina (2006)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 291 Mb | Total time: 57:13 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Virgin Classics | # 363340 2 | Recorded: 2005

The market is loaded with recordings of Pergolesi's beautiful, graceful "Stabat Mater" and there are also plenty of versions of both "Salve Regina" selections to choose from. The young Pergolesi, who died at age 26, had a flair for the theater and the "Stabat Mater" was often accused of being too operatic. Fabio Biondi presents it (and the other two pieces) without much sentimentality and he uses a vastly reduced orchestra–a mere three violins, viola, cello, double bass, and theorbo (and organ)–which brings the stark religiosity to the forefront. That is not to say that these pieces aren't sensual as well; soprano Dorothea Röschmann's mesmerizing, warm tone and David Daniel's flawless, forwardly placed countertenor are lush enough to create drama of their own.

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Luigi Boccherini: String Quintets, Guitar Quintets (2011)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Luigi Boccherini: String Quintets, Guitar Quintets (2011)

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Luigi Boccherini: String Quintets, Guitar Quintets (2011)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 627 Mb | Total time: 59:57+71:17 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Virgin Classics | 5099909633926 | Recorded: 1999-2002

Sweet, intimate, and very dry, Fabio Biondi's of Boccherini's Guitar Quintets with players from Europa Galante and guitarist Giangiacomo Pinardi is ineffably charming, but possibly too etiolated for some taste. But it has the feel of polished oak and such a wonderfully evocative sense of place and time that it is hard not to fall for Biondi and Boccherini. Much of the appeal, of course, is Boccherini's music: filled with luminous light and most tender affection, Boccherini is the chamber music equivalent of the young Goya, and it would take a hard heart not to be beguiled by Boccherini's La ritirata di Madrid or swept up in his wonderfully stylized Fandango. Biondi and Europa Galante may be fay, but they match the music's delicate delights. Virgin's sound is close but with a sense of space around it.

Fabio Biondi, Orchestra Europa Galante, June Anderson, Daniela Barcellona - Bellini: Norma (2011/2001)

Posted By: Vilboa
Fabio Biondi, Orchestra Europa Galante, June Anderson, Daniela Barcellona - Bellini: Norma (2011/2001)

Fabio Biondi, Orchestra Europa Galante, June Anderson, Daniela Barcellona - Bellini: Norma (2011/2001)
NTSC 4:3 (720x480) | Italiano | LinearPCM, 2 ch | DTS, 6 ch | Dolby AC3, 6 ch | 5.61+4.27 Gb (DVD9+DVD5) | 163 min
Classical | Arthaus Musik | Sub: English, Deutsch, Francais, Espanol, Italiano, Chinese

This production of Bellini's famous masterpiece Norma was extraordinary in many aspects. Staged by Italian director and filmmaker Roberto Ando at the Teatro Regio in Parma, it gathered international stars like American soprano June Anderson and shooting star Daniela Barcellona as well as Russian bass lldar Abdrazakov. Audience and critics alike enthusiastically received the remarkable orchestral accompaniment. Fabio Biondi's transparent conducting and the authentic performance practice of Europa Galante illuminated the musical structure of Bellini's opera and provided a new perspective on early 19th century opera.

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Antonio Vivaldi: Le Quattro Stagioni (2000)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Antonio Vivaldi: Le Quattro Stagioni (2000)

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Antonio Vivaldi: Le Quattro Stagioni (2000)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 267 Mb | Total time: 54:13 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Opus 111 | # OPS 56-9120 | Recorded: 1991

No Baroque work is more familiar than Vivaldi's set of four programmatic violin concertos known as the Four Seasons, yet firebrand Italian violinist Fabio Biondi and his Europa Galante will make you feel as though you're hearing them for the first time in this recording, originally released on the Opus 111 label. Biondi's tempi are fast indeed in the outer movements, and he pushes some of Vivaldi's illustrative episodes into a realm of crescendi and descrescendi that's mighty unusual. And he ornaments the music freely. But his expressive devices are never Romantic – they come off as full-blooded, passionate responses to the music, and they never seem to violate the spirit.

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Antonio Vivaldi: String Concerti RV 133, 281, 286, 407, 511, 531, 541 (1993)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Antonio Vivaldi: String Concerti RV 133, 281, 286, 407, 511, 531, 541 (1993)

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Antonio Vivaldi: String Concerti RV 133, 281, 286, 407, 511, 531, 541 (1993)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 408 Mb | Total time: 72:55 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Opus 111 | # OPS 3086 | Recorded: 1993

Vivaldi was an innovator; that's a fact not always acknowledged so readily as it might be. These CD are full of examples of instrumental writing which broke new ground in the Venice of the start of the eighteenth century. The way in which the violin and organ interact in the central movement of the D minor concerto, RV541 [CD.2. tr.11], for example, was new. The exuberance of the solo passages for cello in the B Flat Major RV 547 [CD.1. tr.11] sound almost Beethovenian. Similarly the extent to which the violin is "encouraged" to stray well outside accepted melodic and rhythmic practice in the E Minor, RV 281 [CD.2 trs.1-3] has to be seen as pioneering at least; ingenious for sure. But at the same time, the playing here is never gratuitously eccentric.

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Antonio Vivaldi: String Concerti RV 129, 130, 169, 202, 517, 547, 761 (2000)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Antonio Vivaldi: String Concerti RV 129, 130, 169, 202, 517, 547, 761 (2000)

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Antonio Vivaldi: String Concerti RV 129, 130, 169, 202, 517, 547, 761 (2000)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 284 Mb | Total time: 51:51 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Opus 111 | # OPS 2031 | Recorded: 1990

Biondi surmises that Vivaldi wrote this way in aid of his teaching. There was a desire to promote and develop virtuosity – in his pupils of the Ospedale della Pietà As though the composer wished to draw attention to convention by absenting it from the works; and replacing it with styles and "devices" whose very newness emphasized the essence of the form and of Vivaldi's way of respecting it. Throughout, there is exceptional vigor (even for Vivaldi) and drive in the tutti (rarely unison) writing. Biondi directs Euoropa Galante extremely well to discern, internalize then express the structure (at the movement level) and also the sentencing within passages of each of the musical ideas.

Europa Galante, Fabio Biondi - Vivaldi: Concerti per mandolini (2002)

Posted By: tirexiss
Europa Galante, Fabio Biondi - Vivaldi: Concerti per mandolini (2002)

Europa Galante, Fabio Biondi - Vivaldi: Concerti per mandolini (2002)
EAC | FLAC (image+.cue, log) | Covers Included | 67:29 | 393 MB
Genre: Classical | Label: Virgin Classics | Catalog: 5 45527 2

For fans of the classical mandolin, here is a disc of the best works for the instrument by Antonio Vivaldi, the best friend the mandolin ever had. And for the rest of the world, here is a disc of colorful Baroque concertos by Antonio Vivaldi, the best friend the Baroque concerto ever had. After all, Vivaldi may have been the mandolin's best friend, but even he could only compose so many mandolin concertos.

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - George Frideric Handel: Silla (2017)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - George Frideric Handel: Silla (2017)

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - George Frideric Handel: Silla (2017)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 556 Mb | Total time: 59:54+53:06 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Glossa | # GCD 923408 | Recorded: 2017

No Handel opera is as enigmatic as Silla. His fourth London opera, it was composed in 1713 to a libretto by Giacomo Rossi, also the librettist of the composer s first great London triumph Rinaldo (1711). And that is just about the extent of any certainty on the subject. It might have been premiered in 1713 in London in a private concert at the Queen s Theatre, but even this remains unconfirmed. This is one of Handel s few historical operas, being concerned with Plutarch s account of the latter part of the life of Lucius Cornelius Sulla, who after taking Rome became a tyrannical despot who murders his opponents, before suddenly retiring to his country estate to enjoy his leisure.

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Vivaldi: 12 Violin Concertos Op.8: Il Cimento dell'Armonia e dell'Inventione (2012)

Posted By: tirexiss
Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Vivaldi: 12 Violin Concertos Op.8: Il Cimento dell'Armonia e dell'Inventione (2012)

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Vivaldi: 12 Violin Concertos Op.8: Il Cimento dell'Armonia e dell'Inventione (2012)
EAC | FLAC (image+.cue, log) | Covers Included | 01:50:39 | 671 MB
Genre: Classical | Label: Virgin Classics | Catalog: 6 02503 2

The four concerti in The Four Seasons of Antonio Vivaldi have probably earned the distinction of being the most frequently recorded classical works in the digital era. Originally published as part of a set of 12 concerti as Vivaldi's Opus 8, the other eight concerti also get some attention, particularly La tempesta di mare, but the set as a whole is comparatively seldom recorded. In Europa Galante's Virgin Classics release, Vivaldi: Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione, violinist Fabio Biondi, who has recorded The Four Seasons at least once before for Opus 111, leads his expert ensemble in the whole of the Opus 8 set.

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Francesco Cavalli: La Didone (2010)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Francesco Cavalli: La Didone (2010)

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Francesco Cavalli: La Didone (2010)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 611 Mb | Total time: 75:12+65:59 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Dynamic | # CDS537 | Recorded: 2006

Didone is an opera, set to a libretto by Giovanni Francesco Busenello (later librettist for Claudio Monteverdi). The opera was first performed at Venice's Teatro San Cassiano during 1641. The plot is based on Virgil's Aeneid (Book 4 in particular), though Busenello, in his second libretto for Cavalli, replaces Dido's tragic suicide of Virgil with a happy ending in which Dido marries Iarbas, King of the Getuli, who saves Dido from herself after Aeneas abandons her. The action is divided into a prologue and 3 acts.

Europa Galante, Fabio Biondi – Vivaldi: Concerti con molti strumenti, Vol. 2 (2005)

Posted By: tirexiss
Europa Galante, Fabio Biondi – Vivaldi: Concerti con molti strumenti, Vol. 2 (2005)

Europa Galante, Fabio Biondi – Vivaldi: Concerti con molti strumenti, Vol.2 (2005)
EAC | FLAC (image+.cue, log) | Covers Included | 76:25 | 468 MB
Genre: Classical | Label: Virgin Classics | Catalog: 5 45723 2

The miracle is not that each succeeding disc of Vivaldi concertos by Europa Galante led by Fabio Biondi is as brilliant as the preceding discs. The miracle is not that for each succeeding disc that Biondi finds more first-rate Vivaldi concertos. The miracle is that, with so many gracefully charming, elegantly witty, and delightfully diverse concertos to chose from, that only Vivaldi's Four Seasons have become the musical wallpaper of elevators and airlines throughout the world.