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Plasma Theory: An Advanced Guide for Graduate Students

Posted By: Free butterfly
Plasma Theory: An Advanced Guide for Graduate Students

Plasma Theory: An Advanced Guide for Graduate Students by Vladimir Rozhansky
English | November 28, 2023 | ISBN: 303144485X | 374 pages | MOBI | 40 Mb

"Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations" ed. by Guozhao Ji, Jiujiang Zhu

Posted By: exLib
"Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations" ed. by Guozhao Ji, Jiujiang Zhu

"Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations" ed. by Guozhao Ji, Jiujiang Zhu
ITExLi | 2020 | ISBN: 1838807500 9781838807504 1838807497 9781838807498 1838807519 9781838807511 | 222 pages | PDF | 45 MB

This book collects the recent studies that have applied the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technique in analyzing several representative processes covering mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, environmental engineering, and thermal engineering.

"Fluid Structure Interaction Computational Overview" ed. by Khaled Ghaedi, tt al.

Posted By: exLib
"Fluid Structure Interaction Computational Overview" ed. by Khaled Ghaedi, tt al.

"Fluid Structure Interaction Computational Overview" ed. by Khaled Ghaedi, Ahmed Alhusseny, Adel Nasser, Nabeel Al-Zurfi
ITexLi | 2021 | ISBN: 183969176X 9781839691768 1839691751 9781839691751 1839691778 97818396917 | 141 pages | PDF | 10 MB

This book provides the basic concept of fluid flow behavior in interaction with structures, which is crucial for almost all engineering disciplines. The book covers a variety of fluid-structure interaction, problems ranging from fundamentals of fluid mechanics to plasma physics, wind turbines and their turbulence, heat transfer, magnetohydrodynamics, and dam-reservoir systems.

Quantum Plasmadynamics: Unmagnetized Plasmas (Repost)

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Quantum Plasmadynamics: Unmagnetized Plasmas (Repost)

Quantum Plasmadynamics: Unmagnetized Plasmas by Donald B. Melrose
English | PDF (True) | 2008 | 481 Pages | ISBN : 0387739025 | 3.8 MB

The idea of synthesizing quantum electrodynamics (QED) and the kinetic theory of plasmas ?rst occurred to me in the early 1970s [1, 2]. The project to do so has been carried out bit by bit over the subsequent years. The name “quantum plasmadynamics” (QPD) is my own jargon [3] for the synthesized theory. Both QED and the kinetic theory of plasmas areconcerned with the int- action between charged particles and the electromagnetic ?eld, but they are radically di?erent in the way the interaction is described. The kinetic theory of plasmas is a collective-medium theory: a plasma is not a collection of - dependent particles in a given electromagnetic ?eld, but a medium in which the particles collectively modify the ?eld, and the ?eld modi?es the par- cles. The charge and current densities associated with the particles are part of a self-consistent ?eld. Conventionally, the kinetic theory of plasmas is a classical theory: the motions of particles are treated using classical dynamics.

Lecture Notes on Principles of Plasma Processing

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Lecture Notes on Principles of Plasma Processing

Lecture Notes on Principles of Plasma Processing by Francis F. Chen , Jane P. Chang
English | PDF | 2003 | 213 Pages | ISBN : 0306474972 | 26.1 MB

Plasma processing of semiconductors is an interdisciplinary field requiring knowledge of both plasma physics and chemical engineering. The two authors are experts in each of these fields, and their collaboration results in the merging of these fields with a common terminology. Basic plasma concepts are introduced painlessly to those who have studied undergraduate electromagnetics but have had no previous exposure to plasmas. Unnecessarily detailed derivations are omitted; yet the reader is led to understand in some depth those concepts, such as the structure of sheaths, that are important in the design and operation of plasma processing reactors. Physicists not accustomed to low-temperature plasmas are introduced to chemical kinetics, surface science, and molecular spectroscopy. The material has been condensed to suit a nine-week graduate course, but it is sufficient to bring the reader up to date on current problems such as copper interconnects, low-k and high-k dielectrics, and oxide damage. Students will appreciate the web-style layout with ample color illustrations opposite the text, with ample room for notes.

Space Plasma Simulation

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Space Plasma Simulation

Space Plasma Simulation by Jörg Büchner, Manfred Scholer, Christian T. Dum
English | PDF | 2003 | 363 Pages | ISBN : 3540006982 | 8.7 MB

The aim of this book is twofold: to provide an introduction for newcomers to state of the art computer simulation techniques in space plasma physics and an overview of current developments. Computer simulation has reached a stage where it can be a highly useful tool for guiding theory and for making predictions of space plasma phenomena, ranging from microscopic to global scales. The various articles are arranged, as much as possible, according to the - derlying simulation technique, starting with the technique that makes the least number of assumptions: a fully kinetic approach which solves the coupled set of Maxwell’s equations for the electromagnetic ?eld and the equations of motion for a very large number of charged particles (electrons and ions) in this ?eld. Clearly, this is also the computationally most demanding model. Therefore, even with present day high performance computers, it is the most restrictive in terms of the space and time domain and the range of particle parameters that can be covered by the simulation experiments. It still makes sense, therefore, to also use models, which due to their simp- fying assumptions, seem less realistic, although the e?ect of these assumptions on the outcome of the simulation experiments needs to be carefully assessed.

Atoms, Solids, and Plasmas in Super-Intense Laser Fields

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Atoms, Solids, and Plasmas in Super-Intense Laser Fields

Atoms, Solids, and Plasmas in Super-Intense Laser Fields by Dimitri Batani, Charles J. Joachain, Sergio Martellucci, Arthur N. Chester
English | PDF | 2001 | 409 Pages | ISBN : 0306466155 | 46 MB

The recent developement of high power lasers, delivering femtosecond pulses of 20 2 intensities up to 10 W/cm , has led to the discovery of new phenomena in laser interactions with matter. At these enormous laser intensities, atoms, and molecules are exposed to extreme conditions and new phenomena occur, such as the very rapid multi photon ionization of atomic systems, the emission by these systems of very high order harmonics of the exciting laser light, the Coulomb explosion of molecules, and the acceleration of electrons close to the velocity of light. These phenomena generate new behaviour of bulk matter in intense laser fields, with great potential for wide ranging applications which include the study of ultra-fast processes, the development of high-frequency lasers, and the investigation of the properties of plasmas and condensed matter under extreme conditions of temperature and pressure. In particular, the concept of the "fast ignitor" approach to inertial confinement fusion (ICF) has been proposed, which is based on the separation of the compression and the ignition phases in laser-driven ICF. The aim of this course on "Atom, Solids and Plasmas in Super-Intense Laser fields" was to bring together senior researchers and students in atomic and molecular physics, laser physics, condensed matter and plasma physics, in order to review recent developments in high-intensity laser-matter interactions. The course was held at the Ettore Majorana International Centre for Scientific Culture in Erice from July 8 to July 14,2000.

Nuclear Matter in Different Phases and Transitions

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Nuclear Matter in Different Phases and Transitions

Nuclear Matter in Different Phases and Transitions: Proceedings of the Workshop Nuclear Matter in Different Phases and Transitions, March 31–April 10, 1998, Les Houches, France by Jean-Paul Blaizot, Xavier Campi, Marek Ploszajczak
English | PDF | 1999 | 523 Pages | ISBN : 0792356608 | 47.3 MB

Nuclei in their ground states behave as quantum fluids, Fermi liquids. When the density, or the temperature of that fluid increases, various phase transitions may occur. Thus, for moderate excitation energies, of the order of a few MeV per nucleon, nuclear matter behaves as an ordinary fluid with gaseous and liquid phases, and a coexistence region below a critical temperature. For higher excitation energies, of the order of a few Ge V per nucleon, the composition of nuclear matter changes, nucleons being gradually turned into baryonic resonances of various kinds. Finally, when 3 the energy density exceeds some few GeV /fm , nuclear matter turns into a gas of weakly interacting quarks and gluons. This new phase of matter has been called the quark-gluon plasma, and its existence is a prediction of Quantum Chromodynamics. Collisions of heavy ions produce nuclear matter with various degrees of excitation. In fact, by selecting the impact parameter and the bombarding energy, one can produce nuclear matter with specified baryonic density and excitation energy. Several major experimental programs are under way (for instance at GANIL, with the detector INDRA, at GSI with the detector ALADIN, at the CERN-SPS, at the AGS of Brookhaven, etc. ), or are in preparation (RRIC, LHC, etc. ). The goal of these experiments is to get evidence for the different phases of nuclear matter predicted by the theory, and to study their properties.

The Effects of Relativity in Atoms, Molecules, and the Solid State

Posted By: AvaxGenius
The Effects of Relativity in Atoms, Molecules, and the Solid State

The Effects of Relativity in Atoms, Molecules, and the Solid State by S. Wilson, I. P. Grant, B. L. Gyorffy
English | PDF | 1991 | 341 Pages | ISBN : 0306438887 | 31.3 MB

Recent years have seen a growing interest in the effects of relativity in atoms, molecules and solids. On the one hand, this can be seen as result of the growing awareness of the importance of relativity in describing the properties of heavy atoms and systems containing them. This has been fueled by the inadequacy of physical models which either neglect relativity or which treat it as a small perturbation. On the other hand, it is dependent upon the technological developments which have resulted in computers powerful enough to make calculations on heavy atoms and on systems containing heavy atoms meaningful. Vector processing and, more recently, parallel processing techniques are playing an increasingly vital role in rendering the algorithms which arise in relativistic studies tractable. This has been exemplified in atomic structure theory, where the dominant role of the central nuclear charge simplifies the problem enough to permit some prediction to be made with high precision, especially for the highly ionized atoms of importance in plasma physics and in laser confinement studies. Today's sophisticated physical models of the atom derived from quantum electrodynamics would be intractable without recourse to modern computational machinery. Relativistic atomic structure calculations have a history dating from the early attempts of Swirles in the mid 1930's but continue to provide one of the primary test beds of modern theoretical physics.

Atomic Photoeffect

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Atomic Photoeffect

Atomic Photoeffect by M. Ya. Amusia
English | PDF | 1990 | 320 Pages | ISBN : 0306435489 | 29.7 MB

This book is devoted to the investigation of a rather prevalent process in nature: interaction of atoms with electromagnetic radiation. Primary attention is given to the low and intermediate photon energy region, from tens to hundreds of electron-volts. It is in this region that the probability of photon absorption and photoionization is largest. Data in this energy region are very interesting and useful in astrophysics and plasma physics, solid-state physics and quantum electronics, and in a number of other branches of science and technical applications. Formulae for hydrogen atom photoionization are given in almost all textbooks on quantum mechanics. Together with the limited amounts of experimental data available up to the beginning of the sixties, the formulae gave an impression of the completeness of the study of photoionization, of the absolute clarity of the mechanism of the process, and of the possibility of calculating rather easily its probability using the formulae.

Plasma Instabilities and Nonlinear Effects

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Plasma Instabilities and Nonlinear Effects

Plasma Instabilities and Nonlinear Effects by Akira Hasegawa
English | PDF | 1975 | 228 Pages | ISBN : 3642659829 | 34.8 MB

In recent years the significant progress in satellite-based observations of plasma states and associated electromagnetic phenomena in space has resulted in the accumulation of much evidence of various plasma instabilities. Today plasma instabilities are believed to be responsible for electromagnetic radiation as well as for many of the macroscopic dynamics of plasmas in space. Most students who begin to study plasma physics are intrigued by the unstable nature of plasmas compared with other states of matter; however, they often become frustrated because there are so many in­ stabilities. Such frustration explains in part why there is no textbook which treats this subject exclusively. A description of plasma instabilities in a systematic way is nontrivial and takes a pertinacious effort. This book is an attempt to provide a basic introduction on the subject and covers most of the important instabilities. However, the author must apologize for any omission of references to contributions of individuals who deserve more credit. The reader is assumed to have a general knowledge of plasma physics obtainable in an undergraduate course. The book is intended to be used as a reference text on the subject of plasma instabilities at the under­ graduate level as well as for a text in a special course in graduate school. Because the book is part of a series on physics and chemistry in space, emphasis is placed on plasma instabilities relevant in space plasmas.

"Nature-Inspired Self-Cleaning Surfaces in the Nanotechnology Era" ed. by Phuong Pham

Posted By: exLib
"Nature-Inspired Self-Cleaning Surfaces in the Nanotechnology Era" ed. by Phuong Pham

"Nature-Inspired Self-Cleaning Surfaces in the Nanotechnology Era" ed. by Phuong Pham
ITexLi | 2023 | ISBN: 1837690707 9781837690701 1837690693 9781837690695 1837690715 9781837690718 | 110 pages | PDF | 12 MB

This book examines a new field of nature-mimicked nanotechnology and chemical manipulation, focusing on the mechanisms, principles, and manufacturing of self-cleaning surfaces and describing how these materials can be created for scalable production. This book provides a comprehensive overview of self-cleaning properties in nanotechnology. It includes six chapters that address such topics as the fabrication and applications of biomimetic superhydrophobic materials, self-cleaning surfaces of different plants, self-cleaning polyurethane surfaces, self-cleaning approaches using plasma, and laser technology for superhydrophobic self-cleaning applications.

Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Plasma and Energy Conversion (Repost)

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Plasma and Energy Conversion (Repost)

Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Plasma and Energy Conversion: ISPEC 2022, 14-16 Oct, Foshan, China by Dong Dai, Cheng Zhang, Zhi Fang, Xinpei Lu
English | PDF,EPUB | 2023 | 544 Pages | ISBN : 9819915759 | 194 MB

These proceedings highlight the fundamental researches and up-to-data developments on energy conversion and high-voltage application by means of low temperature and atmospheric pressure plasma. In recent years, plasma-assisted energy conversion gains increasing attention as an alternative to thermal-catalysis or electro-catalysis. These proceedings discuss and exchange cutting-edge scientific innovations and technological advances in fields like plasma-enabled synthesis of chemicals and fuels, plasma-enabled the environmental clean-up, plasma-enabled catalysis treatment, in-situ probing of plasma-catalyst interactions and its high-voltage applications, which show great potentials in industrial demands like CO2 hydrogenation, CH4 reforming and nitrogen fixation, plasma deposition, chemical synthesis, VOC abatement and high-voltage insulation.

Fractional Dynamics, Anomalous Transport and Plasma Science (Repost)

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Fractional Dynamics, Anomalous Transport and Plasma Science (Repost)

Fractional Dynamics, Anomalous Transport and Plasma Science: Lectures from CHAOS2017 by Christos H. Skiadas
English | EPUB (True) | 2018 | 201 Pages | ISBN : 3030044823 | 31 MB

This book collects interrelated lectures on fractal dynamics, anomalous transport and various historical and modern aspects of plasma sciences and technology.

Thermal Spray Fundamentals: From Powder to Part (Repost)

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Thermal Spray Fundamentals: From Powder to Part (Repost)

Thermal Spray Fundamentals: From Powder to Part by Maher I. Boulos, Pierre L. Fauchais, Joachim V.R. Heberlein
English | EPUB (True) | 2022 | 1147 Pages | ISBN : 3030706710 | 440.6 MB

This fully revised, industry-standard resource offers practical details on every aspect of the fundamentals necessary for understanding thermal spray technology, from powder all the way to the final part. The second edition is presented in a reader-friendly format that is split into four parts. Part I presents a review of thermal spray coating and its position in the broad field of surface modification technologies. Highlights of combustion and thermal plasmas are given with an expanded treatment of in-flight plasma-particle interactions.