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The Good Earth (1937) [Re-UP]

Posted By: Someonelse
The Good Earth (1937) [Re-UP]

The Good Earth (1937)
DVD9 | ISO+MDS | NTSC 4:3 | Cover + DVD Scan | 02:18:01 | 7,05 Gb
Audio: #1 English, #2 French - each AC3 1.0 @ 192 Kbps | Subs: English, French, Spanish
Genre: Drama, Romance

Directors: Sidney Franklin, Victor Fleming (uncredited), Gustav Machatý (uncredited), Sam Wood (uncredited)
Stars: Paul Muni, Luise Rainer, Walter Connolly

Based on Donald Davis and Owen Davis' stage-adaptation of Pearl S. Buck's sprawling novel, Sidney Franklin's The Good Earth is the story of a Chinese farming couple whose lives are torn apart by poverty, greed, and nature. Paul Muni stars as Wang Lung a hardworking, but poor, farmer who weds freed-slave O-Lan (Luise Rainer). They struggle to build a life together, but after finally finding success, a plague of locusts descends upon their land, bringing a true test of the couple's perseverance.

IMDB - Won 2 Oscars | Wikipedia | Rotten Tomatoes | TCM | DVDbeaver

Once again Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer has enriched the screen with a superb translation of a literary classic. Its film of Pearl Buck's The Good Earth, which had its premiere at the Astor Theatre last night, is one of the finest things Hollywood has done this season or any other. While it has taken some liberties with the novel's text, it has taken none with its quality or spirit. The performances, direction, and photography are of uniform excellence, and have been fused perfectly into a dignified, beautiful, and soberly dramatic production.

The Good Earth (1937) [Re-UP]

The making of The Good Earth, according to our Hollywood historians, was one of the most chaotic ventures in the annals of an industry in which chaos is the normal state of affairs. The picture was four years in preparation and production. It was begun by one director, George Hill, and completed by another, Sidney Franklin. Its early sequences were supervised by Irving Thalberg, and upon his death the production was entrusted to his associate, Albert Lewin.

The Good Earth (1937) [Re-UP]

The cast and script were forever being revised. The picture was edited and reedited. Some 2,000,000 feet of film were exposed in China, to be used in process shots and for atmosphere; another 700,000 or 800,000 feet were taken in Hollywood. Out of it all emerged a picture 12,450 feet long, running two and a half hours, costing (it is whispered respectfully) $3,000,000.

The Good Earth (1937) [Re-UP]

These things are mentioned less in ridicule than in awe, for there is no hint of behind-the-scenes chaos or conflict in the orderly and serenely smooth narrative film that was presented at the Astor last night. The picture has an easy rhythm, graciously suited to Miss Buck's chronicle of the founding of the House of Wang Lung. If its pace is leisurely, it has the valid excuse of dealing with a quiet theme. If it lingers upon details, it is because they richly deserve attention. It is the commonplaces in the life of Wang Lung and O-Lan, his wife, rather than the high points, that fascinate us.

The Good Earth (1937) [Re-UP]

Metro's script, written by Talbot Jennings, Tess Slesinger, and Claudine West, parallels the action of the book in so many respects that a synopsis of the story, at this late date, is likely to be repetitious. Miss Buck's theme, of course, was the peasant's love for the land. It was that simple, unquestioning earth-worship which was the talisman of Wang the farmer. Away from his land, he was as other men; on it, he was strong and upright and dignified. The Good Earth was the story of Wang's devotion to the land and the tragedy that threatened to overwhelm him when he neglected it.

The Good Earth (1937) [Re-UP]

The picture has chosen the best of Miss Buck's sequences. Wang's touchingly comic appearance at the Great House to claim his slave girl bride, O-Lan; their working of his farm; the famine which drove them south; the looting of the manor which permitted them to return to their farm; Wang's prosperity and his taking of a young second wife; his neglect of O-Lan; the discovery of the illicit romance between his younger son and the second wife—these are plucked straight from the novel.

The Good Earth (1937) [Re-UP]

The picture invents a new climax, a terrifying locust plague which threatens to destroy his crops and makes Wang realize that the land and O-Lan meant more to him than being the lord of the Great House. It may be a theatrical conclusion, but it has been brilliantly photographed and provides a dramatic finale to a dramatic film.

The Good Earth (1937) [Re-UP]

The performances, which probably should have been mentioned before, are collectively splendid. Luise Rainer is tragically real as O-Lan, bringing to life the pathetic slave girl who was so modest yet so indomitable, so generous and selfless and loyal. Paul Muni, flawless in the early sequences, seemed to me to step out of his Chinese character in the post-famine episodes, talking, walking, reacting more as Muni than as Wang Lung. Walter Connolly makes the gambling uncle an ingratiating old rascal. Tilly Losch is graceful and dainty as the second wife, Lotus. Wang's sons are soundly portrayed by Roland Lui and Keye Luke. The others—Charles Grapewin as the senile grandfather, William Law as the gateman, Jessie Ralph, Olaf Hytten, and Suzanna Kim—are worthy of the company.

The Good Earth (1937) [Re-UP]

Metro was a long while getting around to it, but in The Good Earth it has something to show for its time and money—and for ours. The picture does full justice to the novel, and that is the highest praise one can give it.
The Good Earth (1937) [Re-UP]

Special Features:
- Vintage Musical Short 'Hollywood Party'
- Supreme Court of Films Picks the Champions Newsreel
- Theatrical trailer

Many Thanks to Original uploader.