"Clay Minerals in Nature: Their Characterization, Modification and Application" ed. by M.Valaškova and G. Martynkova

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"Clay Minerals in Nature: Their Characterization, Modification and Application" ed. by Marta Valaškova and Gražyna Simha Martynkova
InTeOp | 2012 | ISBN: 9535107385 9789535107385 | 325 pages | PDF | 17 MB

The book is dedicated to the characterization and utilization of clay minerals in deposits, the significance of clay minerals in soils, and to different aspects of clay minerals research, especially to the characterization of structure and modifications for their application

Section 1 Clay Minerals in Deposits
1 Documentation, Application and Utilisation of Clay Minerals in Kaduna State (Nigeria)
2 Clay Minerals from the Perspective of Oil and Gas Exploration
3 Kolsuz-Ulukisla-Nigde Clays, Central Anatolian Region - Turkey and Petroleum Exploration
4 Claystone as a Potential Host Rock for Nuclear Waste Storage
5 Distribution and Origin of Clay Minerals During Hydrothermal Alteration of Ore Deposits
Section 2 Clay Minerals in Soils
6 Soil Moisture Retention Changes in Terms of Mineralogical Composition of Clays Phase
7 The Impact of Clay Minerals on Soil Hydrological Processes
8 Relations of Clay Fraction Mineralogy, Structure and Water Retention in Oxidic Latosols (Oxisols) from the Brazilian Cerrado Biome
9 Fougerite a Natural Layered Double Hydroxide in Gley Soil: Habitus, Structure, and Some Properties
Section 3 Clay Minerals Characterization, Modification and Application
10 Role of Clay Minerals in Chemical Evolution and the Origins of Life
11 Vermiculite: Structural Properties and Examples of the Use
12 Synthesis and Characterization of Fe-Imogolite as an Oxidation Catalyst
13 Application of Clay Mineral-Iridium(III) Complexes Hybrid Langmuir-Blodgett Films for Photosensing
14 Application of Electrochemistry for Studying Sorption Properties of Montmori I Ionite
15 Methods of Determination for Effective Diffusion Coefficient During Convective Drying of Clay Products
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