Labor Pains (2009)

Posted By: mr2006

Labor Pains (2009)
DVDSCR | English | 1h 29m 10s | 700.23 MB | XVID 924.06 kbit/s | 640x352 | 23.9760 fps | MP3 - 161.17 kbit/s
Genre : Comedy

After a dramatic detour with I KNOW WHO KILLED ME and CHAPTER 27, Lindsay Lohan returns to comedy LABOR PAINS. When her difficult boss (SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE’s Chris Parnell) fires her, Thea (Lohan) invents a pregnancy so she can keep her job. This workplace comedy also stars Luke Kirby (TELL ME YOU LOVE ME), Cheryl Hines (CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM), and Kevin Covais (COLLEGE).
