Track Builder 3

Posted By: ut_longhorn
Track Builder 3 Track Builder 3 is a utility program which allows Train Dispatcher 3 users to design their own territories to simulate with Train Dispatcher 3. Extensive computer experience or computer programming knowledge is not required. Almost all the territories in our "For Sale" and "Customer Contributed" libraries were developed by Track Builder 2 and 3 customers. Track Builder 3 also allows the user to modify any of the Train Dispatcher 2 and/or Train Dispatcher 3 territories in our libraries. You will need to purchase a territory password to run simulations on any "For Sale" territories you modify. You cannot, with Track Builder 3 create territories to use with Train Dispatcher 2. Only Track Builder 2 customers can create Train Dispatcher 2 territories. If you are upgrading from Track Builder 2, please note that Track Builder 3 will not replace Track Builder 2. It runs as a separate program. note... pw to install is included in txt file