Onmyo-za - Fuuin Kairan (2002) [Japan, KICS-961]

Posted By: v3122

Onmyo-za - Fuuin Kairan (2002) [Japan, KICS-961]
Hevy Metal/Youkai Heavy Metal | EAC Rip | WAVPack + Cue + Log | MP3 CBR 320Kbps | 8 Tracks
Scans Included | 2003 | King Records | KICS-961 | ~346 + 147 Mb | FServe, FSonic

Onmyo-za is a band that is difficult to categorize. The band members themselves introduce their music as "Yokai Heavy Metal," with yokai (creatures from Japanese folklore) being the subject matter for many of their songs. This however, does not give full scope to the wide range of styles that the band performs, including pop, rock, ballads and their own special matsuri (traditional Japanese festival) style compositions that end every concert performance. Admittedly their music is deeply influenced by orthodox heavy metal, but there are also many aspects of traditional Japanese music woven throughout their compositions…


Onmyo-za formed in Osaka, Japan during 1999 as a four piece group consisting of Matatabi (b, vo), Kuroneko (vo), Maneki (g) and Karukan (g). The band debuted at the Osaka Brandnew venue on the 20th of June and, on the very same day, the band released their first demo tape titled Tsune ni Gessho Wo Motte Senji ni Kuwa wo Nisshin Inyo so min. At this early point the band was without a drummer and, in order to end this unsatisfactory situation, Tora was recruited as their support drummer.

During the Summer and Autumn of 1999, the band performed a small number of concerts in and around the Osaka area. By the end of the year Tora had become a full member of the group, but, up until that point and on their first album, he is credited as support drummer only. Kikoku Tensyo was released on December 5, 1999 through the Moryo's Box label. Unusual for a first indie release, the CD was a full ten track album instead of following the typical indies pattern of releasing singles and mini-albums before embarking on a full length album. The band brought their first year to a close by performing at the Shinsaibashi Muse Hall at the end of the century chapter 4 event.

The following year was very successful for the band, a steady stream of live performances, the development of a lively and enthusiastic fan base and Onmyo-za's first one-man show bringing the band both recognition and respect. In August, Onmyo-za's first single, Oka no Kotowari, was released. The year was crowned with their highly anticipated second full album, Hyakki Ryoran. Both were released on their own label before being re-released on the Mandrake Root label.

By 2001 Onmyo-za was going from strength to strength thanks to their energetic performances, fine musicianship and tireless enthusiasm. They were soon signed to the major label King Records. Onmyo-za performed their major debut concert at the end of July and, after extensive touring for the remainder of the year, made their major label debut with the single Tsuki ni Murakumo hana ni kaze. The year ended with a special session band performance alongside members of progressive metal band Gonon-ish and Uchida Yuuichiru, the bassist of Kinnukushoujotai.

Onmyo-za's third full album, Kojin Rasetsu, was released on the 10th of January 2002. This was soon followed by the major label re-release of the band's first two albums as well as Fuiin Kairan, which was a compilation album of early rarities and previously unreleased songs. Between the releases came a small number of in-store events to celebrate the many CDs that the band had released in their major label debut year. The band then embarked on their first nationwide tour to great acclaim.

Matatabi, the main song writer of the band, had always mentioned in interviews that he was very fond of the UK metal band Judas Priest, and this was one of the reasons why the band recorded a special cover version (in English) of the Judas Priest song Beyond the Realms of Death for the A Tribute to the Priest album. Previously, the band had recorded Iron Maiden's The Trooper (in English) for another tribute album, A Tribute to the Beast. On both CDs, released in 2002 and 2003, Onmyo-za was the only Japanese band included on the albums.

2003 started with the release of their album Hoyoku-Rindo followed by a pair of fairly short, but intense, tours. Onmyo-za's next single, Hoyoku Tensho, was released on the June 4th and was followed, on the 25th, by a DVD release of the former indie VHS version of Hyakki Korinden and a special live performance album, Sekinetsu Enbu. The band then performed two tours between which their maxi-single, Mezame, was released.

Further presses of the band's first two albums, as well as the maxi-single Nemuri, went on sale in January 2004. Soon after, a live concert DVD entitled Hakko Ranbu, which contained footage from the band's performance at Electric Ladyland, preceded the band's latest full album release, Mugen-Hoyo. Several in-store events were held to promote the releases, including two special events to showcase the band's first two score books. The band then toured extensively to promote their releases and performed their new material to the delight of their fans. On the first day of their Autumn tour, Onmyo-za released the first of a special trilogy of singles in their Yoshitsune trilogy. The remaining two singles were released in the subsequent months. The three title songs from each of the single releases would be put together as one complete twenty-three minutes long song for the band's next album release.

Onmyo-za's first release of 2005 came in March and was a concert performance DVD containing footage from the previous year's Wagashikabane wo Koete yuke tour. The DVD, unlike previous DVD releases, included full footage of the entire concert, including MC breaks and three full encores. The concept of including the entire concert was to involve the viewer as much as possible and even included Matatabi addressing the DVD viewer to join in the famous "Ooichi ni no saiyodo" chant during the song Gainageteya. In April the band released the single Koga Ninpocho, which the band wrote and recorded for the anime series "Basilisk." The band's first live performance of the year was a special "fan club only" performance at the Nogakudo Noh Theatre in Tokyo. Onmyo-za was the first band to ever play on a Noh stage in Japan. A DVD of the concert titled Yugen-Reibu was released in August. However, preceding the DVD, Garyo-Tensei was released on the 22nd of June. It is notable that the album made an appearance on the Oricon top ten album chart.

In the summer of 2005, it was announced that Onmyo-za would be playing their first ever overseas concerts. The band played three concerts, in Belgium, France and Germany, between October 28th and November 1st of 2005, as well as attended special autograph sessions.

At the beginning of 2006 Onmyo-za released a long awaited double "best of album" entitled Inyo Shugyoku, which included live tracks and footage taken from their 2005 European tour as the first press edition bonus. The footage contained many candid shots of the band enjoying a timeout from their offstage duties and gives a brief glimpse of the contents of their first ever photo book, Hyaku no Oni ga Oushuu wo Yuku, which was released on February 28th.

Two live releases were made available for sale in July 2006, a live concert double CD, Onmyo-Raibu (a pun on the word "live"), which was followed soon after by a live concert double DVD, Syugyoku-Enbu.

After a long break and a long series of tours, a new single, Kokui no Tennyo, hit the shops and was followed by a new album, Maoutaiten. The album leaned towards the darker side of Onmyo-za's light and dark concept and marked a slight change towards a heavier style of music compared to their previous album, Garyou Tensei. The new material from Moutaiten was featured on Onmyo-za's Tenkafubu DVD.

After a spate of silence, news of a new single, Kureha, followed a month later by the announcement of the release of their next full album release, Chimimouryou. Soon after, Onmyo-za once again embarked on their traditional Autumn/Winter tour.

In January 2009 they released the single Soukoku/Doukoku which features as the opening and ending themes for the the Nintendo DS game "inugami ke no ichizoku."

It was announced on March 10th 2009, that drummer Tora had left the band as a full member. However, he is currently continuing to record and perform with the band as their official support drummer using his birth name Atsushi Kawatsuka instead of his stage name Tora. The rest of the band have expressed their shock and regret, but accepted his decision. Their first concert in their new configuration will be at the famous PURE ROCK JAPAN LIVE festival at the end of May 2009.

~ Kagayaki, Jame-world

Onmyouza – одна из самых необычных групп в Японии, уникальный феномен современной японской музыки, и ее очень сложно описать. Ее музыка – это рок и металл, приправленный традиционными японскими гаммами и мелодиями, лирика – описание сцен из древнеяпонской мифологии на kogo, “древнем языке”. Все это и потрясающий дуэт женского и мужского вокала создают неповторимую музыкальную завершенность.

Участники Onmyouza – это харизматичный вокалист, басист и лидер группы Мататаби (Matatabi), обладающая поразительным диапазоном голоса вокалистка Куронеко (Kuroneko), талантливые гитаристы Карукан (Karukan) и Манеки (Maneki) и ударник Тора (Tora), которого невозможно увидеть без улыбки на губах.
Мататаби и Куронеко – авторы большей части музыки и слов, в свои творения они вкладывают всю свою любовь к легендам о демонах youkai и древней Японии. Карукан и Манеки в игре используют восточные гаммы, превосходно подчеркивая лирику.
В музыке Onmyouza есть и эпические боевики, и прекрасные баллады и танцевальные мелодии с легким налетом фанк-стиля.
По словам Мататаби группа старается, чтобы в ее альбомах каждый мог найти что-нибудь для себя, при этом совсем необязательно, чтобы все понимали и принимали все, что делает группа.
Onmyouza творит музыку с конца 90х годов – музыканты прошли долгий путь от питомцев легендарного индис-лэйбла Mandrake Root до мэйджор-группы, имеющей заметное влияние на современную японскую музыкальную сцену.

Onmyouza – само название группы отражает суть ее лирики и то направление, в котором движутся участники группы.
Onmyouza – это старое прочтение иероглифов, означающих слияние Инь и Янь. Onmyou, часть названия, так же придает ему определенный смысл. В эпоху Хэйан в Японии жили колдуны, которых называли onmyouji, духовные советники, прорицатели и заклинатели злых духов. Onmyoudo – это один из принципов даосизма, описывающий Инь и Янь и мистические свойства, сопутствующие им. Большое значение придавалось так же волшебству, заключенному в пяти веществах – огне, воде, дереве, земле и металле. Легенды часто рассказывают о колдунах onmyouji, сражавшихся с мифологическими существами – демонами youkai, колдунам помогали сверхъестественные создания – shikigami.

Onmyouza выходит за привычные рамки, используя в словах к песням выражения, давно уже вышедшие и употребления в современной Японии. И хотя это делает лирику довольно расплывчатой и непонятной, группе удается воссоздать дух классической литературы, поэзии древней Японии.
Обычно лирика Onmyouza описывает мифологическое существо, причем чаще всего не непосредственно его самого, а через множество ассоциируемых с ним свойств. Например, в песне “Kasha no Wadachi” речь идет об огненном демоне-кошке Kasha – если похороны человека случаются в плохую погоду, этот демон спускается с небес и уносит душу умершего в ад или в рай. Только в названии песни можно найти имя Kasha, в самих же словах дается живое и яркое описание грозы и отблесков огня в костре, создается впечатляющий поэтический образ.
Черпая вдохновение в традиционных kaidan и у современных писателей и мангак(а), таких, как Yamada Fuutarou и Kyougoku Natsuhiko, Onmyouza пишет музыку одновременно зловещую и прекрасную, ободряющую и пугающую.

Самое важно для Onmyouza – это ее живые выступления. Тот, кто впервые попал на концерт группы, может не знать, что его ожидает. Но то, что он увидит, останется в его памяти надолго. Тщательно подготовленное выступление никого не оставит равнодушным.
Участники группы далеки от того, чтобы называть себя рок-звездами – они выходят на сцену из любви к музыке и ради того, чтобы делиться ей со слушателями. Такое отношение к своему делу видно во всем – в сумасшедшем пении Куронеко, в том, как, закрыв глаза, играет Мататаби, в подвижных и легких соло Карукана и Манеки, и во вдохновенной игре Торы, так похожей на звучание барабанов Taiko*.
* Taiko – название японских барабанов и стиля игры, основанного более 14 столетий назад. Стиль игры Тайко используется в религиозных церемониях буддизма и синтоизма и во время ежегодных фестивалей в Японии.

Будущее Onmyouza
Популярность группы продолжает расти – они подписали конракт с мэйджор-лэйблом и исполнили музыкальную тему для аниме-сериала Basilisk. В планах группы – новые альбомы и концерты. Надеемся, Onmyouza и в дальнейшем будет радовать своих поклонников.

~ roger666

Onmyo-za - Fuuin Kairan (2002):


02. DODOMEKI (4:24)
03. KAMAITACHI (2:39)
08. TSUKU HIME (5:56)

EAC extraction logfile from 3. September 2007, 12:31 for CD

Used drive : LITE-ON LTR-52246S Adapter: 1 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure with NO C2, accurate stream, disable cache
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No

Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo

Other options :
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000

Range status and errors
Selected range

Peak level 99.2 %
Range quality 100.0 %
CRC 433A3F9E
Copy OK

No errors occured

End of status report

AUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - opdester@freemail.hu

Path: …\2002 - FUUIN-KAIRAN

1 -=- ONMYO-ZA - FUUIN-KAIRAN.wav -=- CDDA (100%)


[Verification date: 18.10.2010 7:23:10]
[Disc ID: 000aa0fd-00489af6-6b08c508]
Disk not present in database.

Track [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL] [ LOG ]
– [2EB1FD85] [433A3F9E] W/O NULL
01 [407FE8DF] [4CBCD153]
02 [691BC842] [159C7724]
03 [5782F507] [9360E462]
04 [94CAFE3E] [D3ACF8E1]
05 [43649D5B] [99704083]
06 [1645DEE5] [8E968420]
07 [5B6E21B5] [933B362D]
08 [C1EF67B9] [F9E86437]

Download Onmyo-za - Fuuin Kairan (2002):

FileSonic - lossless:
Onmyo-za - Fuuin Kairan - part1
Onmyo-za - Fuuin Kairan - part2
Onmyo-za - Fuuin Kairan - part3

FileSonic - MP3 CBR320:
Onmyo-za - Fuuin Kairan - One file

FileServe - lossless:
Onmyo-za - Fuuin Kairan - part1
Onmyo-za - Fuuin Kairan - part2
Onmyo-za - Fuuin Kairan - part3

FileServe - MP3 CBR320:
Onmyo-za - Fuuin Kairan - One file


More ONMYO-ZA albums from my blog…

In case you encounter dead links, please send me a private message.

All thanks go to frafra64