Art by John Singer Sargent

Posted By: igor_lv

Art by John Singer Sargent
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John Singer Sargent (January 12, 1856 – April 14, 1925) was the most successful portrait painter of his era, as well as a gifted landscape painter and watercolorist. Sargent was born in Florence, Italy to American parents. He studied in Italy and Germany, and then in Paris under Emile Auguste Carolus-Duran. In a time when the art world focused, in turn, on Impressionism, Fauvism, and Cubism, Sargent practiced his own form of Realism, which brilliantly referenced Velázquez, Van Dyck, and Gainsborough. His seemingly effortless facility for paraphrasing the masters in a contemporary fashion led to a stream of commissioned portraits of remarkable virtuosity (Arsène Vigeant, 1885, Musées de Metz ; Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Newton Phelps-Stokes, 1897, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York). During his life his work engendered critical response from some of his colleagues: Camille Pissarro wrote \"he is not an enthusiast but rather an adroit performer\", and Walter Sickert published a satirical turn under the heading \"Sargentolatry\". He was dismissed as an anachronism at the time of his death, but appreciation of his art has since grown steadily, especially following a retrospective exhibition at the Whitney Museum of American Art in 1986.

Сарджент — один из первых американских апатридов, художников-космополитов в Европе, денди образца Fin de siècle. Его нередко причисляют к импрессионистам, хотя образцами для него всегда оставались Веласкес, Гейнсборо, Ван Дейк (Роден даже назвал его, не без иронии, Ван Дейком нашего времени). Наиболее известен своими портретами, среди моделей которых были натурщицы Розина Феррара, Кармела Бертанья, Вирджини Готро (Портрет мадам Икс), актрисы Эллен Терри и Элеонора Дузе, писательница Жюдит Готье, художница и фотограф, меценатка и собирательница живописи Сара Сирс. Среди мужских портретов — портреты Теодора Рузвельта, Вудро Вильсона, Генри Джеймса, Роберта Льюиса Стивенсона, Уильяма Батлера Йейтса. Занимался также настенной живописью (Бостонская публичная библиотека).