David F. Rico, «ROI of Software Process Improvement: Metrics for Project Managers and Software Engineers»

Posted By: Alexpal

David F. Rico, «ROI of Software Process Improvement: Metrics for Project Managers and Software Engineers»
J. Ross Publishing, Inc. | ISBN 193215924X | 2004 Year | CHM | 4,87 Mb | 256 Pages

An indispensable addition to your project management, software engineering or computer science bookshelf, this book masterfully illuminates and simplifies otherwise complex topics in ROI. It presents extremely simple, but overwhelmingly powerful metrics, models, and methods for designing professional business cases and provides hard-hitting economic justification. It explores the most popular international methods, models, and standards for software process improvement. The author’s practical tutorial on the costs, benefits, and ROI of software process improvement is a soup-to-nuts guide that helps readers rapidly master powerful concepts. He demystifies esoteric concepts in ROI and provides a self-contained tutorial of ROI methods for novices as well as economic experts and a treasure-trove of value adding economic data which is missing from popular texts.

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