J.-A.Amos, «You're In Charge Now! - The First-time Manager's Survival Kit» (3rd edition)

Posted By: Alexpal

J.-A.Amos, «You're In Charge Now! - The First-time Manager's Survival Kit» (3rd edition)
Howtobooks | 2002 Year | PDF | 2,09 Mb | 177 Pages

This book has been written for people who are just starting out as managers. It doesn’t include large sections on the various management theories – instead, it concentrates on how to manage. This means things like what to do, what to think about, and what to be aware of.
Each chapter includes some common questions and answers, and has a checklist to remind you of the main
points. There are also mini case studies, in which you meet fictional characters, illustrating some points from the
chapter – usually how not to do it! Lastly, at the end of each chapter you will find some discussion points, to help you apply what you have learned from the text to your own work situation.
I hope you will find the book useful, and that in time, it will help you become a good manager.
Julie-Ann Amos

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