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I Musici - Antonio Vivaldi - Baroque Concertos (2024)

Posted By: Fizzpop
I Musici - Antonio Vivaldi - Baroque Concertos (2024)

I Musici - Antonio Vivaldi - Baroque Concertos (2024)
WEB FLAC (Tracks) 1 GB | Cover | 03:25:24 | MP3 CBR 320 kbps | 477 MB
Classical | Label: UME - Global Clearing House

Antonio Vivaldi (Venecia, República de Venecia, 4 de marzo de 1678-Viena, 28 de julio de 1741) fue un compositor, violinista, impresario, profesor y sacerdote católico veneciano del Barroco. Era apodado Il prete rosso («El cura rojo») por ser sacerdote y pelirrojo. Se le considera uno de los más grandes compositores barrocos, su influencia durante su vida se extendió por toda Europa y fue fundamental en el desarrollo de la música instrumental de Johann Sebastian Bach. Su maestría se refleja en haber cimentado el género del concierto, el más importante de su época. Compuso unas setecientas setenta obras, entre las cuales se cuentan más de cuatrocientos conciertos, para flauta, violín y diversos instrumentos musicales, y cerca de cuarenta y seis óperas. Es especialmente popular como autor de la serie de conciertos para violín y orquesta Las cuatro estaciones.

I Musici - Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: 6 Concerti Armonici (1990)

Posted By: ArlegZ
I Musici - Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: 6 Concerti Armonici (1990)

I Musici - Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: 6 Concerti Armonici (1990)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 356 Mb | Total time: 64:55 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Philips | # 420 789-2 | Recorded: 1979

During the 18th century, it was not uncommon for enlightened princes with musical pretensions to commission works from their court composer and then affix their own names to the title pages. But in the recently solved riddle of the so-called Pergolesi/Ricciotti ''Concerti Armonici,'' the case seems to be just the reverse. These six works, written in the contrapuntal sdyle of the late Baroque, were long thought to be the work of Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, largely because handwritten copies of the score found in various collections attributed the set to the Italian composer.

I Musici - Antonio Vivaldi: Concerti con titoli / Complete Concertos & Sonatas Opp. 1-12 [19CDs] (2011)

Posted By: ArlegZ
I Musici - Antonio Vivaldi: Concerti con titoli / Complete Concertos & Sonatas Opp. 1-12 [19CDs] (2011)

I Musici - Antonio Vivaldi: Concerti con titoli / Complete Concertos & Sonatas Opp. 1-12 [19CDs] (2011)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 5,93 Gb | Total time: 18:52:05 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Newton Classics | # 8802034 | Recorded: 1962-1978

For several decades beginning in the 1950's I Musici was the leading ensemble specializing in Italian Baroque music, and their performances were standard-setting in their time. Their recordings still hold up exceptionally well even though approaches to early music, driven by the period instrument revolution, have changed somewhat since then.

I Musici – Rossini: Sonatas for Strings Nos. 1-6 (2011)

Posted By: tirexiss
I Musici – Rossini: Sonatas for Strings Nos. 1-6 (2011)

I Musici – Rossini: Sonatas for Strings Nos. 1-6 (2011)
EAC | FLAC (image+.cue, log) | Covers Included | 83:05 | 462 MB
Genre: Classical | Label: Newton Classics | Catalog: 8802041

Known by and large for his seemingly inexhaustible supply of lighthearted operas, Gioachino Rossini did not restrict himself to that genre alone. As a boy of only 12 years, he was already accepting commissions to write small chamber works, including the present set of six string sonatas commissioned by the wealthy Agostino Triossi. Triossi was an accomplished amateur double bassist, a fact to which Rossini paid homage by scoring the six sonatas for a quartet made up of two violins, cello, and bass.

I Musici, Marianna Sirbu - Vivaldi: Violin Concertos (1995)

Posted By: tirexiss
I Musici, Marianna Sirbu - Vivaldi: Violin Concertos (1995)

I Musici, Marianna Sirbu - Vivaldi: Violin Concertos (1995)
EAC | FLAC (image+.cue, log) | Covers Included | 01:02:47 | 464 MB
Genre: Classical | Label: Philips | Catalog: 442 145-2

With the number of Vivaldi concerto recordings flooding the market, what is a starter CD-buyer to do? How can he or she make a choice? Perhaps if a reviewer has any function at all, it is to steer the prospective purchaser in the right direction. If you like period instruments, the new disc with Giorgio Sasso might be a candidate for an ideal one-CD Vivaldi choice.

I Musici - Mozart: Serenata Notturna, 3 Divertimenti (1984)

Posted By: ArlegZ
I Musici - Mozart: Serenata Notturna, 3 Divertimenti (1984)

I Musici - Mozart: Serenata Notturna, 3 Divertimenti (1984)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 238 Mb | Total time: 46:12 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Philips | # 412 120-2 | Recorded: 1983

After hearing I Musici perform, Arturo Toscanini remarked, "Twelve individual instrumental masters, and together the finest chamber orchestra in the world." This Italian ensemble has long attracted international attention for their emphasis on brilliance, strength of attack, and high level of discipline, beginning with their first performances of seventeenth and eighteenth century Italian music. The group was formed in March 1952 by 12 students at the Accademia di Santa Cecilia, Rome, who developed a common interest in pre-Classical music during conservatory meetings. Upon origination the ensemble was composed of six violins, two violas, two cellos, a double bass, and a harpsichord; there were three women and nine men.

I Musici - Antonio Vivaldi: 'L'estro armonico' 12 concerti, Op. 3 (1984)

Posted By: ArlegZ
I Musici - Antonio Vivaldi: 'L'estro armonico' 12 concerti, Op. 3 (1984)

I Musici - Antonio Vivaldi: 'L'estro armonico' 12 concerti, Op. 3 (1984)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 552 Mb | Total time: 59:10+49:02 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Philips | # 412 128-2 | Recorded: 1983

In the corpus of recordings made by I Musici on behalf of Phillips, it still counts the recording of Vivaldi's Op. No. 3 - L'Estro armonico. This is not the case to deepen the artistic element of the famous chamber music ensemble. Suffice it to say that despite the contributions of the executive philology, this traditional recording remains a landmark in the discography of Vivaldi, ever actual for the executive equilibrium, for the solo contributions and for its beauty in general.

I Musici, Klaus Thunemann - Vivaldi: 6 Bassoon Concertos (1986)

Posted By: ArlegZ
I Musici, Klaus Thunemann - Vivaldi: 6 Bassoon Concertos (1986)

I Musici, Klaus Thunemann - Vivaldi: 6 Bassoon Concertos (1986)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 276 Mb | Total time: 55:53 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Philips ‎| 416 355-2 | Recorded: 1985

Klaus Thunemann has been the world's premiere solo bassoonist for the past three decades. His technical mastery of the instrument–he has the facilty of a violinist–is impressive in and of itself, but he brings so much more to these hard-to-find recordings of Vivaldi's elegant concerti.

I Musici, Heinz Holliger - Vivaldi: 5 Concerti per Oboe, Concerto per Oboe & Fagotto RV 545 (1990)

Posted By: ArlegZ
I Musici, Heinz Holliger - Vivaldi: 5 Concerti per Oboe, Concerto per Oboe & Fagotto RV 545 (1990)

I Musici, Heinz Holliger - Vivaldi: 5 Concerti per Oboe, Concerto per Oboe & Fagotto RV 545 (1990)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 299 Mb | Total time: 56:45 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Philips ‎| 411480 | Recorded: 1975, 1981

A couple of the concertos included here, RV 452 and RV 446, were only discovered in the 1960's, and while there is a discussion in the notes about their provenance (they "differ slightly, in terms of style, from what is generally regarded as undoubtedly authentic Vivaldi"), they have been accepted as having come from the master's pen. In any case, Heinz Holliger and I Musici perform these small masterpieces to perfection. The allegro of RV 463 exemplifies the glorious sound produced by I Musici - big, lush and swinging - and a modern musical approach that now ironically may be somewhat out of fashion.

I Musici, Aurèle Nicolet - Vivaldi: 6 Flute Concertos, Op. 10 (1987)

Posted By: ArlegZ
I Musici, Aurèle Nicolet - Vivaldi: 6 Flute Concertos, Op. 10 (1987)

I Musici, Aurèle Nicolet - Vivaldi: 6 Flute Concertos, Op. 10 (1987)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 229 Mb | Total time: 50:14 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Philips | 420 188-2 | Recorded: 1986

Visitors to Venice had borne witness to Vivaldi’s prowess as a violinist, although some found his performance more remarkable than pleasurable. He certainly explored the full possibilities of the instrument, while perfecting the newly developing form of the Italian solo concerto. He left nearly five hundred concertos. Many of these were for the violin, but there were others for a variety of solo instruments or for groups of instruments, including a score of such works for solo flute or recorder, with strings and harpsichord. He claimed to be able to compose a new work quicker than a copyist could write it out, and he clearly coupled immense facility with a remarkable capacity for variety within the confines of the three-movement form, with its faster outer movements framing a central slow movement.