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Adblock Plus v.

Posted By: AlenMiler
Adblock Plus v.

Adblock Plus v.
Android | .apk | 2.55mb

Adblock Plus v.

Surf the web without annoying ads!

What is Adblock Plus?
Adblock Plus blocks annoying ads on the web. It can block other things, like tracking, as well. With more than 50 million users, it is the world's most popular browser extension. Adblock Plus is an open source project created by Wladimir Palant in 2006. Eyeo was founded in 2011 by Wladimir Palant and Till Faida to make its development sustainable.

How does Adblock Plus work?
Adblock Plus itself has no functionality, in the sense that it does not block anything until it is "told" what to do by its filter lists. These filter lists are essentially an extensive set of rules, which tell Adblock Plus which elements of websites to block. Besides blocking advertisements, filter lists can also be used to block tracking and malware.

Out of the box, two filter lists are enabled:

*An ad-blocking list selected based on your language
*The Acceptable Ads exception list

What are Acceptable Ads?
Adblock Plus exists to save its users from annoying ads. However, we don't think that all ads are bad, and we are fully aware that website owners need them to survive. Therefore, we have established strict criteria to identify Acceptable Ads: unobtrusive ones that don't need to be blocked. Websites that are willing to comply with these criteria can apply to have their ads added to the Acceptable Ads exception list, which will unblock them for most users. Note that if you don't want to see any ads, you will always be able to opt out of this.

Block Ads
Adblock Plus blocks all annoying ads on the web by default: video ads on YouTube, Facebook ads, flashy banners, pop-ups, pop-unders and much more.
Simply install Adblock Plus to your browser (it is available for Firefox, Chrome and Opera) or your Android smartphone or tablet and all intrusive ads are automatically removed from any website you visit.

Acceptable Ads
Adblock Plus will always block annoying ads.
Still, many websites rely on advertising revenues so we want to encourage websites to use plain and unobtrusive advertising instead of flashy banners. That's why the Adblock Plus community has established strict guidelines to identify acceptable ads, and Adblock Plus allows these out of the box. You can always disable this feature if you want to block all ads.

Disable Tracking
With every browsing session, there are multiple firms tracking your online activity and browsing history. There are hundreds of ad agencies tracking your every move, but with Adblock Plus you can easily disable all tracking, and browse the web truly anonymously.
According to Stanford University research, the Adblock Plus tracking protection filters are the most efficient of all available tracking protection solutions.

Disable Malware Domains
Slow startup, popups, advertisers hijacking your browser: Those are all signs of your computer being infected by malware. Even worse, computers infected by malware open the doors to all kinds of cyber criminality threats. These infected computers can then be used to sending out spam emails or attacking other computers or servers, stealing passwords, social security numbers, personal documents and credit card information.
Adblock Plus can be configured to block domains known to spread malware, protecting your computer against viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spy- and adware.

Disable Social Media Buttons
Buttons to share content on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and many others are placed on almost every website you visit. Even if you are not clicking them, every website containing these buttons is sending a request to the servers of the social network which can use that information to create a profile based on your browsing habits.
You can use Adblock Plus to remove all social media buttons from every website, making sure that social networks can’t create a profile about you based on the websites you visit.

Typo Protection
Websites containing phishing and other harmful or annoying content are often hosted under misspelled domains and you are at risk of visiting them just by making a small mistake when entering an internet address into your browser. URL Fixer can automatically correct typos in the address bar to protect you from accidentally visiting malicious domains when misspelling an internet address.

Requires Android: 2.1+