Hydrophobia: Prophecy v1.0r20 (2011) [PC Game]

Posted By: edi1967
Hydrophobia: Prophecy v1.0r20 (2011) [PC Game]

Hydrophobia: Prophecy v1.0r20 (2011)
PC Game | New version: 20 July 2011 | Languages: Eng/Fr/Ger/Ita/Spa/Chn/Jap/Kor | Action, Adventure | 1.9 Gb

Hydrophobia: Prophecy is the ultimate version of this jaw-dropping action-adventure set onboard a floating city, where terrorists take control and heroine Kate has to overcome her haunting childhood memories to fight back using all her skills and expertise as a systems engineer.
Utilise the power of HydroEngine - the worlds first fluid dynamics engine for games - to engage in mind blowing flow combat and incredible physics based puzzles. Also includes exclusive new environments and mechanics, superior graphics, a reworked back story, dramatic new ending, recast voice acting and much more.

2051. The world has become consumed by the ever rising tide of the global population flood. Fertile land has been reclaimed by rising oceans and expanding deserts, resulting in famine and poverty on an unprecedented scale. Water is now mankind's most precious resource, and conflict erupts wherever it flows.

Hydrophobia: Prophecy v1.0r20 (2011) [PC Game]

Only one bubble of the old capitalist world survives. The Queen of the World is the largest ship ever to grace the oceans, a colossal city at sea where the wealthy elite live in exile from the chaos which surrounds them. Onboard this stateless paradise the Five Founding Fathers set about pursuing their Cornucopian research unimpeded.

The contempt of the outside world is offset by NanoCell Corporation, one of the five, who promise to develop nano-technology to purify sea water at the molecular level and make the deserts bloom with the food of the world. But as they move closer to their goal, the bitterness of fanatical Malthusians grows.

Hydrophobia: Prophecy v1.0r20 (2011) [PC Game]

The so called 'Neo Malthusians' timed their attack perfectly. 9.8 billion watched as they recast hope as hatred, following a prophecy to commit global genocide; drowning the planet with blood as they slash the worlds population to a mere half billion 'righteous souls'. A prophecy they will soon find themselves in a position to fulfill.

• Fast-paced action and breathtaking visuals; engage mind blowing "flow combat" unique floating cover where emergent gameplay results in a never-the-same-experience.
• Unleash floating oil fires, electricity and the power of the water to wipe out your enemy as you discover the terrifying truth of the Malthusian prophecy.
• Campaign includes puzzles, platforming and combat with Hydro-kinetic powers to ultimately control the water and culminates in a unique stand off battle where the player has to unleash the awesome power of tempest against her Malthusian nemesis.
• Over 200 collectables, 12 achievements and as an added bonus, players can unlock an epic Challenge Room.

Hydrophobia: Prophecy v1.0r20 (2011) [PC Game]

- Fix for lights intensities going out of range.
- Possible fix for the intense light bug.
- Fix for Kate sometimes getting inside objects when detaching from cover.
- Fixed issue where, with the camera at certain angles while in cover, pressing a single direction key (WASD) would not detach you from cover and you would have to hold 2 keys simultaneously to exit cover in these situations.
- Fix for some users getting no audio.
- Audio device selection now available on launcher, if no selection has been made then game defaults on launcher and in the game to the default windows device.
- Added support for sli/crossfire configuration in the ded.ini.
- Moved cutscene skip onto the right mouse button.

- Checkpoints added in various places throughout the game according to forum/Darknet feedback
- Some initial particle system performance improvements (more performance improvements to come in subsequent patches)
- Option to disable cutscene skip functionality added to .ini
- Back remapped to right mouse button as requested by forum users
- Leaderboard glitches fixed

- Fix for MAVI / CCTV not scanning items or opening doors which the FPS is 93+ (an additional fix for the same issue caused by low FPS is coming next)
- More performance optimisations, particularly water spray to help improve FPS (more optimisations coming soon)
- Fixed a control lock up which would occur if you grabbed floating cover immediately after tapping zoom aim
- Fixed leaderboard self rank showing the wrong listing if you happened to be at the bottom of a leaderboard page

- Fix for some users experiencing cracking and popping audio
- Camera tweaks and improvements
- Performance improvements
- Fix for some instances of audio effects cutting out or triggering out of sync
- Fix for issue where users could not complete the back jump to the vent in the Plaza level
- Added some extra checkpoints according to Darknet data

- More FPS performance improvements
- Water powers SFX improvements
- Character animation when aiming tweaked and improved
- Fixed bug where player could get locked in aim mode
- Fix bug where menu navigation sounds could trigger in game
- Improved water powers keyboard and mouse controls based on community feedback by switching to a simple toggle to activate/deativate water powers
- Improved bloom (HDR) to make visuals sharper and smoother
- Updated German / Italian translations
- Fixed bug where SARA could disappear and prevent progress
- Fixed rare bug which could cause character to get sucked through objects
- Improved water reflection / refraction
- Improved Sonic Rounds based on community feedback so full charged headshots are more effective
- Fix for issue where character could get stuck inside ramp-like object
- Fix for rare bug which could cause character to fold in half while ascending in water
- Fix for rare bug where character could back / side roll through geometry
- Improved camera when aiming and surfacing / diving while using floating cover
- Leaderboard display issue fixed
- Fixed some crashes
- Plaza battle design improvements based on community feedback
- SARA battle design improvements based on community feedback

- Camera system improvements to prevent camera twitching when swimming near the surface with the gun drawn
- Allow Gel Rounds and Energy Rounds to be triggered while using Hydro Kinetic water powers
- Fixed score exploit which allowed extra score multiplier when dropping enemies from a water tower
- Various AI improvements
- Fixed camera wobble when diving while charging a Sonic Round underwater
- After diving or surfacing whilst charging and zoomed in underwater the wrong anim would get triggered leaving you in zoomed camera but with non-zoomed movement – fixed
- Improved camera tracking when transitioning to ragdoll
- Smoother camera transition when going from underwater to surface
- Improved ladder climbing, grab, swing and get-up animations
- Improved floating cover tolerance to prevent player losing grip of an object unintentionally
- Fixed water reflection issue when Kate’s head bobs under the water when swimming
- Fixed camera flicker when swapping ammo immediately after a load
- Water visuals improved with more authentic colour tint
- Water powers toggle key moved to '4'. The previous mapping on X was uncomfortable to use
- Improved camera systems when using floating cover
- Fix for occasional camera jerk when using floating cover
- Fix for camera jerks when placing floating objects inside cargo containers
- Fix for camera jerk when grabbing floating cover
- Fixed bug where Kate would very slowly float to the surface when the gun was drawn
- Fixed an issue which would stop some saves from loading
- Improved look of underwater fogging
- Fixed issue where the game could occasionally hang at the end of a cutscene in the loading bay area
- Improved sensitivity for allowing the player to collect an item so they no longer need to be facing the item – as long as they are within range it can be collected
- Fix for occasional crash which could occur at any location on some systems
- Fix to prevent Kate keeping hold of a floating cover object which had been lifted out of the water
- Increased range for allowing player to grab a ladder when swimming
- Enabled new promotional Steam achievement “Another shrimp on the barby!”

Hydrophobia: Prophecy ISE ultima versione AIF sbalorditive azione-avventura ambientato a bordo di una città galleggiante, dove i terroristi di prendere il controllo e l'eroina Kate ha a superare le sue ossessionanti ricordi d'infanzia di combattere con tutte le sue capacità e competenze come ingegnere di sistemi. 2051.e mondo è diventato sempre più consumato bye OFE marea crescente popolazione mondiale di alluvione. terra fertile è stato recuperato dalla degli oceani e deserti in espansione, con conseguente carestia e povertà su una scala senza precedenti. L'acqua è oggi il bene più prezioso dell'umanità, e scoppia un conflitto dove scorre. Una nuova lotta politica e ideologica è sorta. Da un lato sono malthusiani e, che cercano di controllare e reducee popolazione mondiale. Un cornucopiani sidee altri, che vogliono trovare una soluzione tecnologica per la sua alimentazione

La storia, come molti di voi probabilmente già sapranno, è ambientata in un'ipotetica realtà futura in cui il mondo, ormai in ginocchio a causa di una sovrappopolazione impossibile da gestire, fa da sfondo al conflitto tra Malthusiani, ovvero coloro che vedono come una soluzione al problema la "riduzione forzata" della popolazione, e Cornucopiani, convinti al contrario di poter porre rimedio a qualsiasi difficoltà o crisi attraverso l'evoluzione tecnologica.

Il conflitto, inizialmente portato avanti solo sul piano politico, si scatena però in maniera a dir poco violenta quando una cellula di Neo-Malthusiani lancia un attacco alla Queen of the World, immenso transatlantico nonché principale simbolo della filosofia Cornucopiana.

Ed è proprio a distanza di pochi secondi dal verificarsi dell'attentato terroristico che veniamo proiettati nei panni di Kate, ingegnere addetta alla sicurezza della nave. Nel panico che scaturirà dopo le prime esplosioni, il vostro compito sarà dunque quello di ridurre al minimo i danni, cercando al tempo stesso di intralciare i piani dei Malthusiani. Come? Semplice, armandovi di ingegno, pazienza e del vostro fidatissimo MAVI, una sorta di iPad futuristico con cui Kate potrà esibirsi in numerose azioni.
'Hydrophobia Pure' Screenshot 2

Sfruttando barili di carburante o cavi elettrici potrete eliminare i vostri avversari in maniera davvero creativa.

Grazie a una serie di moduli volti ad accrescerne le potenzialità, questo straordinario dispositivo vi permetterà ad esempio di cercare indizi nascosti sulle pareti degli scenari, di attivare a debita distanza porte e ascensori, o magari di conquistare l'accesso a telecamere di sicurezza.

Come forse avrete intuito le potenzialità del Mavi vi lasceranno senz'altro a bocca aperta e questo specie ora che, grazie alla patch di cui parlavamo in apertura, il suo utilizzo è stato reso molto più semplice ed efficace.

L'esperienza di gioco di questo affascinante action-adventure non si riduce tuttavia all'uso del MAVI, poiché nel corso delle 5-6 ore necessarie per portare a termine l'avventura proposta dovrete combattere, scalare e correre per evitare innumerevoli pericoli ambientali e, soprattutto nuotare. Sarà infatti proprio l'acqua a rappresentare il vostro peggior nemico (e come potrebbe essere altrimenti, visto che il titolo del gioco significa testualmente "paura dell'acqua"?), elemento che potrete però imparare a sfruttare anche a vostro vantaggio.

Hydrophobia: Prophecy v1.0r20 (2011) [PC Game]

System requirements:
• Windows XP/Vista/7
• DirectX 9c
• 2 GHz dual-core
• 2 GB RAM

THETA Release

Hydrophobia: Prophecy v1.0r20 (2011) [PC Game]

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Password : crazy


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